Hengjiu’s Strength

Unsere Stärken

  • Das Umfassende Produktportfolio
  • Die preiswerte Lösungen & alle Kettenprodukte aus einer Hand
  • Die beste wertorientierte Preisbildung
  • Die Solide Finanzierung & stabile Organisation

Geschichte der Mark

Die sechs Schleife in Hengjiu Logo repräsentieren alle sechs Interesseparteien. Diese verbundenen Parteien sind die unverzichtbare Schlüsselelemente eines Unternehmens. Das Unternehmen und die Parteien werden gegenseitig voneinander profitieren. Diese miteinander verbundene Win-Win-Beziehung ist der Schlüssel zu einer langfristigen nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Hengjiu.

Mehr erfahren



Hengjiu Group always treats clean manufacturing, energy conservation, and environmental protection with utmost importance in the implementation and erecting production process...

Social Responsibility

Real Core is a Formation of a Community of built upon various Invisible Relationships of Six Major Stakeholders, including Customers, Employees, Investment , Suppliers, Partnerships and Society...


2 affiliated companies in the Hengjiu Group are being certified nationally as high-tech enterprises, 2 as provincial-certified enterprise technology centres, 1 provincial level post-graduate research...


Since the Group Company launched the Kingdee EAS system in 2011, after years of perseverance and unrelenting efforts, and conducted secondary development and implementation based on the actual operational situation...